Donations through Paypal:

Donations by Check:

Mail to: Sr. Barbara Losh, OCD
CCA Treasurer
Carmel of the Holy Family
2541 Arlington Rd
Cleveland Heights  OH  44118

Donations by ShopRaise App:

By using the ShopRaise application for your normal online shopping, a percentage of your purchase price will be donated to CCA at no additional cost to you. To get the App, Click Here.

Honor Roll of Donors

The CCA is its own 501c3. It was founded in 1970 in accordance with the encouragement of the Catholic Church for its contemplative communities to form associations/federations and to undertake renewal in accordance the the teachings of Vatican II. Currently there are 11 Discalced communities which are members: Baltimore, MD, Barrington, RI, Beacon, NY, Cleveland Heights, OH, Concord, NH, Danville, PA, Eldridge, IA, Latrobe, PA, Oldenburg, IN, Reno NV and Roxbury MA.

CCA Mission:

Carmelite Communities Associated (CCA) is a nationwide association of communities of Discalced Carmelite nuns formed to support one another in the deepening of the Teresian contemplative life:
– We live the prophetic voice of the Carmelite charism in our witness of faith and hope in the Triune God
– We nurture relationships among our member communities and with the Carmelite family here and abroad. We collaborate to create mutual respect and practical support
– We recognize and honor our differences while working to strengthen our unity in diversity.

Goals of the CCA:
– We have fostered a broader acceptance of unity in diversity and the mutuality of the Carmelite family, especially by continued collaboration, friendship and communion among associations/federations at home and abroad.
– We have continued to work at achieving a representative voice in matters affecting our lives, the Teresian charism, and the Order.
– We have developed and empowered our members to be future leaders of and/or contributors to CCA.
– We have continued to provide active, mutual support to the identified needs of our communities. We are committed to continuing some form of sisterly visits and finding new ways of mutually supporting our communities and enriching relationships among our members.

CCA celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2020. We are grateful for the support we have received from our generous donors in years past. You, through your donations, can have a significant impact on building the future of Carmel and the ability of the Carmelite Communities Association to carry out its mission and accomplish its goals.

Individual Donations:

Donations by Check:

Mail to: Sr. Barbara Losh, OCD
CCA Treasurer
Carmel of the Holy Family
2541 Arlington Rd
Cleveland Heights  OH  44118

If you submit a prayer intention, we will share it with our member carmels.

Donations by Paypal:

Stock or Securities: For instructions to transfer securities, please contact,Sr. Barbara Losh, OCD, CCA Treasurer at .

Planned Giving and Legacy Donation:

Remembering CCA in your estate planning is a wonderful way to leave a legacy of immeasurable value. Click here for additional information.

Gift to the CCA through your IRA: Click here

The Charitable IRA Rollover Law has been made permanent. If you have an IRA and have reached the age of 72, you must take a required minimum distribution (RMD) from your IRA on an annual basis. You can authorize a direct gift from your IRA to the CCA (up to $100,000). This will reduce your ordinary income. Contact your IRA administrator to do this. Contact the CCA treasurer for information regarding where the administrator should send the funds.

This is not legal or tax advice. Please contact your own accountant, lawyer, or financial advisor as to your individual situation.