Photo: Baltimore Carmel Community
Each vocation or call is part of God’s plan and contributes to the work of Christ in a particular way. Our call is lived out in a small community where prayer gives meaning to our relationships, study, work, and leisure. In turn, all these activities both feed our prayer and flow from our prayer. Solitary prayer is the primary expression of our eremitical roots; the Eucharist is the center of our community. Through the Eucharist we are united with Christ and linked to all other Christian communities. The Liturgy of the Hours extends our worship and helps us to pray with the whole church for the whole church and for the whole world. This prayer forms the main thrust of our contribution to the work of Christ.
The Order has the Blessed Virgin Mary as Mother and Patroness, “it takes the mystery of her life and her union with Christ as its ideal model of consecration. Every sister will find in Mary a mother and teacher in the ways of the Spirit who will conform her to Christ and lead her to the heights of holiness.” (Carmelite Constitutions).

Carmel’s life of prayer and our response to God’s call are lived out in the everyday circumstances of our daily community life. Our Rule exhorts us to give ourselves “to work of some kind.” Our daily activities involve cooking, cleaning, liturgy, bookkeeping, gardening, correspondence, hospitality, care for our own sisters and much more. Each of us gives of her own talents and energies for the building up of the community, indeed for the building up of the Body of Christ throughout the world.
We cherish our Carmelite way of life and look to pass on the riches of our tradition and spirituality. If you desire to grow into deep friendship with Christ through a life of prayer and community, we would be happy to journey with you as you seek God’s will.
Member Carmel’s Vocation Links
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