• Carmelite Communities Associated (CCA)

    Carmelite Communities Associated (CCA) is a nationwide association of communities of Discalced Carmelite nuns formed to support one another in the deepening of the Teresian contemplative life.

    Carmelite Communities Associated (CCA)
  • We Nurture Relationships

    We nurture relationships among our member communities and with the Carmelite family here and abroad. We collaborate to create mutual respect and practical support.

    We Nurture Relationships
  • We embody the prophetic spirit

    We embody the prophetic spirit of the Carmelite charism in our witness of love with faith and hope in the Triune God.

    We embody the prophetic spirit
  • We recognize and honor our differences

    We recognize and honor our differences while working to strengthen our unity in diversity.

    We recognize and honor our differences
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